Why Me?

McDonnell Douglas MD 500 Defender - Wikipedia
MD 500

I’m going to keep this short, because this isn’t about me. In fact, to be completely transparent on spending, expenses, and capital gains (which is my goal) I may keep this blog anonymous. The coaching and principles that I’m going to guide you on to develop a conservative, high yield investment strategy are completely agnostic to the person — anyone can implement the strategy in this blog. Therefore, where I came from didn’t matter or impact my ability to become financially independent. The realization of investment opportunities isn’t about the person or their past. In my case, however, it is about my family (my wife in particular) who has supported what others thought were crazy ideas and has managed up to three of our rental properties at one time while I’m away at work.

I grew up in a lower working class family in New Jersey. My Dad had a middle school education and drove a garbage truck until I was about 4 years old, when he switched to driving a liquid waste removal truck for a portable toilet business that my grandfather owned. He was, and still is, one of the hardest-working people I know, and he used that work ethic to provide for his family. One of my earliest memories is waking up in the early morning for a 4:30 AM truck route. If sub-contractors and laborers had to be at the construction site early to start their day, we had to be there earlier to clean their toilets and transport their waste to a transfer station without getting in their way. And so my earliest childhood memories were spent in and around New Jersey construction sites.  If where you end up financially is determined by where you’ve been, I’d likely be driving the same route as my dad (maybe with a newer truck!) instead of guiding you towards financial independence. If I can do it, anyone can do it. The realization of investment opportunities isn’t about the person or their past, but it is about living a disciplined present and building a muscle memory for realizing financial opportunities through repetition. Everyone has to be from somewhere and start their financial journey sometime; we’ll go through the early steps that lead to success in a future blog post, “Starting off Right.”

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2 thoughts on “Why Me?

  • I do agree with all of the ideas you’ve presented in your post. They’re really convincing and will definitely work. Still, the posts are very short for newbies. Could you please extend them a bit from next time? Thanks for the post.

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