
Serve your country. Gain financial independence.

– Military Million
AirBnB Versus Long-Term, Passive Income
So far, I've talked about my military real estate strategy, mortgage rate shopping, and the tax advantages of real estate. The goal of this post is to delve into differences between the two, main types of residential real estate investments – active and passive real estate …
My $11.00 Education
I came of age during the Global Financial Crisis in 2008 in South Florida. I watched neighbors lose their homes; beach front condos go into foreclosure; and friends get laid off from even entry level jobs. This made me very hesitant to invest any money into …
Mortgages and Rate Shopping
You know what they say in the military, knowledge is power. Corny, I know, but I'm going to give you more than enough knowledge to level the playing field when talking to mortgage brokers and loan officers. In order to not get taken advantage of, you …
Real Estate (RE) Competitive Advantage with Leverage
Different investment vehicles include options to utilize debt to leverage higher returns; real estate is no different, it's just more common place to have a leveraged position (mortgage) against the real asset (house). The real property itself is the tangible asset which has inherent value which …
Myth Busters: Is The One-Percent Rule Still Relevant?
The 1% Rule has fallen out of favor with many real estate investors. It's been labeled as old school, irrelevant, and impossible…in short, there are some who believe the old rule of thumb has outlived its useful life. In this blog post, we're going to explore …
Military Real Estate Strategy
There's no secret that military members go through a permanent change of station (PCS) move every 2-3 years. It's also not a secret that many service members become landlords and have successful real estate investment strategies. Coincidence? I think not! I'm going to explain, in my …
Starting off Right
Building a solid financial foundation isn't just important due to the time value of money and the power of compounding interest. More foundationally, building healthy financial habits at an early age or early in your military career will build muscle memory to make fiscally responsible actions …
The Numbers
Financial trigger warning! I can't share my journey without pulling back the curtains and being transparent about my personal finances. To some this may be uncomfortable, but I think it's an important part of raising the bar. Understanding the relative progress of our peers and sharing …
Why Me?
MD 500 I’m going to keep this short, because this isn’t about me. In fact, to be completely transparent on spending, expenses, and capital gains (which is my goal) I may keep this blog anonymous. The coaching and principles that I’m going to guide you on …
Financial Independence
Why this blog? The goal of this blog is to fill a known financial education gap in the military community, empowering readers to become financially independent through actionable advice and thoughtful decision-making. Let me define what financial independence is to me – freedom to decide how …
The name of this blog is likely misleading. Serving your nation isn’t about making a million dollars; in fact, money shouldn’t be the driving factor in your decision to join the military at all. However, just as those in uniform are called to protect and defend, …

“It means reaching a point where I continue to work because it’s what I choose to do in a field that I’m passionate about.”

– Military Million