
The name of this blog is likely misleading. Serving your nation isn’t about making a million dollars; in fact, money shouldn’t be the driving factor in your decision to join the military at all. However, just as those in uniform are called to protect and defend, so too should they be taught to be good stewards of their financial resources to posture their family for financial freedom. The path isn’t quick, and, unfortunately, investments don’t always go up. However, take this blog as a viable path to provide guidance, accountability, and, most importantly, training. While this blog is written by military, for military, the lessons and premises are universal. There are general steps to take at various inflection points in life and stages in your career to take advantage of situations that can lead to high return on investment (ROI) opportunities. However, if you haven’t been taught to search for, recognize, decide, and act on those opportunities, they pass by without notice.  I’ll show you where I’ve been, how I’ve reached financial freedom about half-way through my military career, and provide an actionable path for you to do the same.

In the military we have training for everything. Need to learn how to tie knots and hang a HMMWV from a helicopter from a 100’ cable? Head to Air Assault School. Have a passion for aviation and flying high-performance fixed and rotary wing combat platforms? Army flight school starts every two weeks in Fort Rucker, AL.  Or maybe evading potential captors in the woods is your thing. Well, Survive/Evade/Resist/Escape School might just be the best three weeks of your life (I’m joking). In addition to life and professional skills, the military is known for requiring training to teach us how to deal with almost every interaction in our daily lives: Equal Opportunity; Anti-Bullying and Hazing; Cyber Awareness…as you know, the list goes on. However, in my thirteen years in the Army, I’ve never been taught, mentored, or coached on how to invest or make intelligent decisions with my paycheck; my goal is to fill that knowledge gap for you and your family. Honestly, the only saying I’ve heard about money in the military is the old adage: “You sure aren’t going to be a millionaire by joining the military.” Well, the above saying isn’t just old, but it’s flat out wrong. With a single income, multiple kids, and military moves every two years, it’s possible. My goal for this blog is to provide real, actionable input learned through mistakes, trial-and-error, and discovery through the first half of my military career. My personal goal was simple: Become financially independent by 35. Unprecedented market returns during the COVID recovery made that possible in 2021. My next goal is to completely retire in the next 7 years. Follow me on my journey.

Talking about money and investing is not taboo. I’d like to dispel that rumor right off the bat. My promise to you is to only write about what I know and have done, to be authentic, and to post updates on my own personal progress for accountability. Stocks don’t always go up, and I know there will be bumps in the road ahead. I’m writing about my journey as I go; I’m not just coaching and mentoring, but I’m an active participant with you. We lift each other up by raising the bar through honest discussion. Let’s get started.

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